Irenæus (AD 120-202) was a young leader in the church, a student under Polycarp, who quickly rose against the Gnostic heresies.[1]  In his principle work, Against Heresies, Irenæus connects the heresies to the work of the devil to include a similar reference as Justin Martyr did to Simon Menander.[2]  He points to how Satan is “accustomed to lie against God, for the purpose of leading men astray.”[3]  Satan’s work from the beginning was to murder and lie, and “the truth is not in him.”[4]  The length and subject of Irenæus’ work might lead one to believe he might make more spiritual warfare references.  Although Irenæus’ focus is principally on directly addressing the Gnostic heresies, he indicates an understanding of the underlying problem.

[1]A. Cleveland Coxe, “Introductory Note to Irenæus Against Heresies” (ANF 1:309), accessed December 30, 2013,

[2]“Thus, then, the mystic priests belonging to this sect both lead profligate lives and practise magical arts, each one to the extent of his ability. They use exorcisms and incantations. Love-potions, too, and charms, as well as those beings who are called ‘Paredri’ (familiars) and ‘Oniropompi’ (dream-senders), and whatever other curious arts can be had recourse to, are eagerly pressed into their service. They also have an image of Simon fashioned after the likeness of Jupiter, and another of Helena in the shape of Minerva; and these they worship. In fine, they have a name derived from Simon, the author of these most impious.” Irenæus, Irenæus Against Heresies (ANF 1:348), accessed December 30, 2013,

[3]Irenæus, Irenæus Against Heresies (ANF 1:552).



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